Turning my MESSES into MESSAGES

From a very young age, I have always been intrigued by the world of Psychology and the role it plays on human behavior. Obtaining my B.A in Psychology and English from The University of Illinois at Chicago, I have acquired my RBT Certification in Behavioral Therapy in 2017 & currently leading motivational speeches along with Emotional Intelligence (EI) Trainings in local communities. Growing up with sound morals & values, possessing a highly, strong work ethic & business-oriented mindset has allowed me to not only endure, but overcome the countless obstacles & challenges trialed throughout life’s beautiful journey. Despite being an American born citizen, having a Bangladeshi heritage in a community where being South-Asian was looked down upon, I became immune to being the out-cast in the environments I found myself in requiring me to develop high adaptability to change & embracing my diversity wherever life took me. I have been judged, harassed & have encountered unspeakable discrimination & racism, along with bullying and harassment since my youth which continued to spiral through my adolescence, college years & into my adulthood. Despite the backlash I have received on my passion on Mental Health, I am blessed to have the support of my beloved husband as I continue venturing on this passionate journey. I have been through hell & back on countless occasions since childhood; only to come back stronger each time because of the certainty I had in myself, my values/morals (despite being criticized for), & the life-lessons I learned along the way, all encompassing the methodology of EI.

I took my M E S S & turned it into a M E S S A G E through being the first successful business-woman in my family as a Therapist/Counselor & Entrepreneur utilizing my hobbies and skills-set through raising awareness for everyone & anyone struggling to better their Mental Health through the concept of Emotional Intelligence & the impact of success it can have on every aspect of life regardless of age or background. It has taken me over 20 years to develop, & understand Emotional Intelligence (EI), as I continue to master EI through my own experiences, traumas, coupled with my education, professional background & with life being the greatest teacher there can be.

I am currently leading Emotional Intelligence Training in both my personal & professional life, while also utilizing my talents & hobbies to further guide those who are dealing with their own struggles & searching for relief.

Why? Because as a true Empath, I am capable of putting myself in everyone’s shoes. I’ve experienced both of life’s highs, lows & also know how terrible it feels to be mocked at, ridiculed & made fun of. I understand that life has its moments. I truly understand & know how it feels to be mistreated, judged, harassed, neglected & bullied.

THAT,  is why I do what I do. Therefore, I assist people in overcoming their struggles by increasing their Emotional Quotient (EQ) levels through developing & mastering Emotional Intelligence (EI). Please show some support & love as I continue spreading kindness in everyone’s path through raising awareness to help those who are struggling to blossom from the battles they are facing by following my page @EmpathyQueen. I will also be announcing the launch of my podcast & EI classes️ soon! – E.Q ❤️
